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Enriching one's course of studies by an international experience, opening oneself up to other cultures, other repertoires or other educational theories is now essential to the artist, performer or creator, who wishes to expand his horizons. The Conservatoire de Lyon, with a long tradition of openness and exchange is today contributing to the development of partnerships with numerous higher institutions of music, dance and theatre abroad.

The Conservatoire de Lyon is a member of the European Association of Conservatories and is a part of the European teacher and student exchange program, Erasmus.

Bilateral agreements ( Bilateral Agreements) were signed with the following establishments:

United States of America :

University of Minnesota School of Music

Lebanon :

Ecole des Arts Ghassan Yammine

Peru :

Conservatorio superior de música (Lima)

Sweden :

Heleneholms gymnasium, Malmö

Armenia :



Our partners in the framework of the Erasmus University Charter are :

Germany :



Croatia :

Spain :

Hungary :

Italy :

Poland :

Portugal :

Escuela Superior de Musica de Lisboa Lisboa

Switzerland :


There are more and more students from around the world, enrolling at the Conservatoire de Lyon on their own initiative (nearly one hundred in the 3rd and 4th levels) joining those already present through international partnerships.

Similarly, many students from Lyons Conservatory have gone on to study in prestigious institutions such as :

- The Royal College of Music, London, England
- The Royal Academy of Music, London, England
- The Escuola Superior de Musica de Catalunya, Barcelona
- la Hoschule fur Musik « Hans Eisler » of Berlin, Germany
- and the Conservatorys of Geneva and Lausanne, Switzerland.In recent years the Academy has made ​​common musical or choreographic projects with Conservatories : Prague, Birmingham, Feldkirsh , Lucca, Buenos Aires, Damascus , Osaka , Leipzig ...

Many students from around the world enroll at the Conservatoire de Lyon on an individual basis ( nearly a hundred in the third and fourth levels) and join those already here under international partnerships. Similarly , many Lyonnais students pursue higher education in institutions abroad. In recent years the Academy has created musical or choreographic projects with Conservatorys in ; Prague, Birmingham, Feldkirsh , Lucca, Buenos Aires, Damascus , Osaka , Leipzig ...

Enriching ones course of study by an international experience , experiencing other cultures, other repertorys or other pedagogical approaches is now essential to the artist, performer or creator who wants to expand his universe. The Conservatoire de Lyon , with a long tradition of openess and exchange is today contributing to the developement of  partnerships with numerous institutions of music, dance or theater abroad. As such, it is a member of the European Association of Conservatories and wants to integrate the European Erasmus exchange programs of teachers and students.




The annual congress of the European Association of Conservatories

The diversity of means and goals

The coming together, in a given place at a given time, of more than 200 directors of institutions, representing in themselves so many different educational and cultural traditions, is obviously stimulating and gives rise to passionate debates and discussions. These discussions bring into perspective the strengths and weaknesses of our own education system. Therefore, over the days and sessions of this Congress, it was clearly highlighted, that the priorities established in France for several years taking into account the social role of arts education, its value as a tool of integration, the role of Conservatories as a cultural hub of the city, reflecting on the adequacy of the training vis a vis professional opportunities, for example, gives us an enviable expertise in these areas, while our neighbors have on the other hand developed other educational tools and a pragmatic reflection on arts education for very young children, applied research in instrumental studies, the validation of playing in ensembles (in which our students lack of interest amounts to what could be seen as a French curse), the bringing together of technical educational content and scholarship, etc ...

Yet it is striking that this diversity also shows a major convergence of effort between the institutions, whenever the objectives of the purely artistic content are discussed.

Positive prospects

Beyond personal contacts and opportunities for mobility of students and teachers, it's a reflection on the relevance of our evolution, a look at other organisational and educational experiences, a more synthesised perspective of the international educational landscape, that our desire to participate in the work of the AEC will eventually permit. The Conservatoire will soon be a candidate for inclusion in the ERASMUS program, which should further facilitate this convergence.

Alain Jacquon

Erasmus program coordinator in Lyon :

[email protected]
Tel : +33478150970 / Fax : +33478150960


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